Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Creative Space

This is my second time participating in the 'My Creative Space' linkup over at kootoyoo.  This might be one of my favorite linkups ever. Every single person who lists their link has a post about a craft or something that they've been working on, or something that's happening in whatever their Creative space may be.   I've been working on a new clutch design, called the Kristina clutch, named after my pretty sis. 
The second picture is the tool that I use to attach the snaps to the clutch. I'm sure many of you have seen that tool before if you are into making crafts at all.  But for those of you aren't, its a snap-attaching-tool-thingy.  I'm loving this new clutch, and this morning, I'll be working on cutting a few more out and ironing them. Once the pieces are cut, it doesn't take long to finish them, and they are SUPER cute. (so what if I'm biased.) Here is the finished product, which by the way, is up in the shop for sale!:

In other news, I believe I'm overdue on an update! 
Last weekend, the family went to a church picnic at a beautiful park nearby. I love my church.  When Hubs and I brought our brood up to NY for the move, I was nervous about fitting into another church, as we had just gotten comfortable and were in love with our church The Well, down in Charlotte. My fears and worries were of course, totally useless, as fears always are.  Our church here in NY is a family.  So anyway, the picnic was fun. Just sat around the fire while the kids played outside and ate lots of yummy chili.  Here's some pictures of the kids playing outside, for your viewing pleasure.

This past week, we didn't really do much. Mostly just stayed inside and enjoyed being sheltered from the gloomy, rainy NY fall.  But last night, my aforementioned sis, Kris, came for a visit and thats always a delight.  If I could put into words how much I love seeing my family, I'd have a whole lot of words like "awesome, totally rad, sweet, amazingly awesomelicious."
For today, while Ash is at school and Ro is in therapy with the beautiful miss Val, I think Bell and I will read some books, watch a Veggie Tale, and iron some pretty pieces of fabric. 

Enjoy your Thursday, and thank God for this day. He made it, and it's a gift to you. 


Lora said...

oh my, rowan is getting so big!! and he looks so handsome. :)

Lauren G said...

oh my how handsome is Rowan!!!!! I mean I see him every week but he is just such a beautiful person! I LOVE these fall pictures and wish we could have been there too!! Love you!

From Snowflakes To Hotcakes said...

Hey! Can I be the "amazingly awesomelicious" sister? I claim it first. If that is already taken, I'll take "totally rad." Thank you.

P.S. The clutches are great, and look as though they'd be very multipurpose. Also, your children are my favorite niece and nephews in the whole world, and I'm pretty sure the cutest too.

ana @ i made it so said...

it's my second week over at mcs as well. i didn't share this week, but i'm following along and getting inspiration from all the great projects. the clutch is so pretty!

happy weekend!