Saturday, February 19, 2011

out of the spin cycle

That's the title of my favorite devotional book. I'm still reading it, and once I finish, I'll probably go through it again. I wrote about it here.  I have never been really into devotional books. I usually find that once I read the daily entry, I forget about it an hour or two later, and then it ends up back on the 'someday I might get through this book but probably not' shelf. Which was hard for me, because I am also the kind of person who needs direction while reading the Bible or I just end up reading whatever page I open to and it almost always ends up being something in Lamentations or Habbukak. Come on people, you know what I'm atalkin' about. They're awesome books but for reals, I have to really stretch to find out how to apply it to my every day, stay at home mom life. Ok, moving on.

So, this book I'm reading. It has me laughing out loud every single time, and somehow, it has the ability to stick with me all day long. I dont know if it's because she is such an amazing writer, or if it's just so simple and real that I can't help but be reminded of it in my daily activities.  For instance, this is the entry that made me spit out my coffee yesturday: (She is talking about how we as mom's feel about ourselves and our bodies after we've had a baby or two.)

"I don't mean to shock you, but our bodies change after childbirth. They really, really change. I sprouted curls in previously straight-stick hair, and my feet grew an entire shoe size by the third baby. I now walk around on skis. My hips have never returned exactly to their former address. I nursed three babies and need not mention what a mess that left. What used to be a smooth stomach now looks like a topographical map of France. And to top it all off, I can't jump on trampolines anymore without peeing in my pants.
      Traditional Christian advice about this subject generally makes me feel violent. People, I am not standing naked in front of a mirror, quoting Scripture to my reflection. It's like looking at a garden salad with fat free dressing and saying "I love you. I am thrilled to be eating you instead of a delicious burger with a side of beer-battered onion rings." 

She then goes on to talk about how Jesus taught us that our bodies are more than clothing and life is more than food. Of course, her point being that our bodies are amazing things, nourishing babies, pleasing our husbands, running a daily marathon of diapering, lifting, carrying, etc. And not to worry about that, or beat ourselves up because we haven't returned to our pre-baby weight, but to just take care of the amazing tool we've been given. It is our friend. 

I liked this entry, mainly because I think every mom can relate. I've been dissatisfied with my body lately, mostly because I lack time to exercise (and motivation, but shhh). It was good to be reminded of those truths, and to laugh. Alot. I laughed alot.

Go buy this book on amazon, you won't regret it. And buy one for all of your friends. I just bought one for Lauren. Have you read it, yet, missy?!!


I am THAT lady said...

HA! I just laughed so hard at that post! I haven't started reading it yet....I am going to pick it up during naptime and start reading! Thanks for reminding me!! Love you!

Lora said...

i just ordered a copy off amazon. sounds like a great book! :)