Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Creative Space

It's Thursday! That means 2 things in this house: I get a very quiet morning because the two older kids go to preschool, AND it's 'My Creative Space' time!  I've been really motivated to sew this week, and that is mostly due to that nice person who bought me the gift certificate to FreshSqueezedFabrics.  Looking at material ALWAYS makes me want to create.  Here's what I made, and all of these are up in the shop:

I'm at 197 sales in the shop, only 3 more to go and I'm at 200!!  Oh, well would ya look up there. What do we have here.... There's four pretty new bags for some lucky soul to buy and help me reach that goal! :) 

And I cut out a few more bags last night that I'll be starting on today. I LOVE making pretty things! And I've got the fabric coming that I'm gonna use to make my very own purse. Can you even believe it?  :)
Have a great Thursday, everyone!  I'm going to enjoy the quiet.

*Head on over to Kootoyoo for more amazing creative spaces!*