Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life and Link Love


It's been a bit since I've done a real blog post! Things have been crazy around here. Haven't had much of a chance to sit at the ol' Mac.  Here's a (hopefully) brief up date (so as to not bore you. And I will try to include lots of photos, cuz I gotta give the people what they want!)

As you know my sister in law got married 2 weekends ago. It was a beautiful ceremony, she was a stunning bride, and Bell made a very cute flower girl (and of course, her cousin Kennedi was equally as cute!).
(Bell is the one with her thumb in her mouth. Very Cute.)
Then, a few days later, we celebrated beautiful Bell's 2nd birthday! Yes folks, my little baby girl is 2 whole years old. I don't even really know how that happened, or if I really believe it yet.  We had a family party for her at my sister in laws house. So happy that Ben, Bek and their little peanuts Kennedi and Nathanael could be there! Here's a few shots from the craziness.

Then of course, you saw the photos of the hubs having all his hair chopped off. That was kind of a big deal, you guys! 15 years of having a ponytail. He was SO ready though, and he really loves not having all that hair. And I have to say, he is still very handsome. :)
(i love this picture of him. Personified in a photo.)

I drove out to my grandparents house yesturday to visit with them and it was wonderful. I have missed them so much.  These are two of the people who invested in my spiritually my entire childhood. I am convinced that partly because of them, I knew that Jesus loved me. Being at their house for the first time in 3 years brought back so many memories. All of the photos, the piano, the things my Grandpa built with his hands, and the art my Grandma created.  It even still smells the same. Such a wonderful, happy smell for me. Like clean and flowers.  And seeing my Grandpa, not able to get up at all due to being quite ill, but still making jokes and talking with me; that was absolutely priceless. I soaked it up. It was so very hard to see him like that, but I was incredibly glad I went. And it was even harder to leave them.  It's not often i'll be able to make that trip but I tell you, I will take every chance I get. My grandparents are still 2 of my favorite people on earth.  One of my favorite things about my short visit there was that my Grandma held baby H while my mom and I ran to the local thrift shop. He slept in her arms for an hour while she sang to him. Grams, I didnt tell you this, but that touched me more than you could know. Thanks for that gift.  I wish I'd taken a photo.

Today, our good friend Ryan Internicola came up here to WNY on a 'tour' of leading worship at a bunch of places here in the area.  He just released a ridiculously awesome album. He's leading at our church tomorrow night and I. Can. Not. Wait. Hubs and I have quite a history with this man of God and his beautiful family.  So excited to worship with him again. Missing his wife though. Soozer, love you!

There really is no shop update. I dont have time to sew right now. I'm working on a few custom orders and some Christmas presents, which I'll post about probably sometime this week. Also, remind me to write about Essential Oils. In the meantime, go here.
Ok, off to hang out before bed. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

From Snowflakes To Hotcakes said...

I love that in the picture where Lauren is showing Bell her present, Bell looks like she is so excited she can hardly hold it in - look at her fists!!!! She is the most beautiful little girl since I was a little girl. LOL :-) I kid!!!! Seriously, she's gorgeous!