Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My dining room wall.

I thought it was about time to show you my pretty wall!
I suppose I should preface this with telling you that I'm incapable of hanging pictures straight. No matter what I do, it's just not possible for me.  Not to mention that in our old house, none of the floors or ceilings are straight either. So, on that note, here's what the wall used to look like:
Yeah...I thought it looked good after I hung them all.  Ha!!
So a little while ago, my mother in law, who is amazing at most things, helped me hang shelves up so that I could put my pictures on them and they'd stay straight!
Isn't that better?! I think so.  I let out an audible sigh of gratitude and appreciation when they were finished being hung.  And how do you like my Christmas decoration!?  That's as good as it gets in my house this year....hopefully next year I'll be more motivated to get festive.

Hope you enjoyed this little peek into my home! Have a good rest of the week. Blessings!


Racquel Jacobs said...

Jenn! I need to show you my wall-o-thrift-store plates! You'd be very proud.

Lora said...

looks amazing, jenn! i love it. :)